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River Canyon Hike

1 day trek

This trek takes you into the Whirinaki Forest Park where you'll see some of the most magnificent indigenous podocarp forest found anywhere in the world. You will also hear about Hineruarangi, guardian of the Whirinaki Valley.


You will be met at River road carpark in Whirinaki Te Pua a Tane rainforest, near the small village of Minginui.  Once we are all gathered together, you local guide will greet you all with a traditional maori welcome. After getting to know one another over a hot drink, we enter the forest following a loop trail through enormous podocarp trees including Rimu, Matai, Toromiro, Kahikatea and more. Along the way you will experience the abundance of native birdlife including bellbirds, tui, kereru, kaka, and fantails. We'll break for lunch by a lovely waterfall that feeds into the beautiful Whirinaki river, a favourite fishing ground for both people and Whio (Native blue duck).


This trek is roughly 4 -5 hrs and would suit people who enjoy walking for more than 3hrs. It follows well formed trails of gentle to moderate steepness, but in wet weather can be muddy and boggy in places.

This trek is available between October - April of the following year, please enquire for booking and availability.

Fitness level needed: Good
Degree of difficulty: Moderate

Track terrain: Undulating 
Price (subject to change): NZ$280 adults, NZ$185 children (8-15 years)

children under 8 Koha (donation)
Group size: 2 – 8

Driving time to River road carpark: from Rotorua 1hr 15min, Whakatane 1hr 30min, Taupo 1hr 35min



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Phone: +64 7 8080911 Address: 3891 Ruatahuna Road, Ngaputahi, Te Urewera Rainforest Route, Te Urewera

Aotearoa New Zealand

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